What to Expect
We're so glad you're considering a visit to Heritage Reformed. We are a community of believers dedicated to glorifying God and enjoying Him forever! We look forward to meeting you, and invite you to join us at any of our services below.
Lord's Day Worship
Worship at Heritage:
Worship is nothing less than entering Heaven though Christ’s blood, approaching the thrice holy God’s throne of grace as His children, in order to be blessed by His presence and receive His Word (Heb. 12:22-25)! We then give Him the glory due Him (Ps. 29:1-2) in word, prayer, and song, in the forms of confession, adoration, thanksgiving, etc., by His Spirit and according to His will as found in Scripture. So, our “Order of Worship” is a covenant/family dialogue, initiated by God with His people, Christ’s body/church. We worship corporately, as God’s one temple and Christ’s one bride, producing a reverent joy in the Lord that sustains us each week.
10AM Sunday Worship Service
In our first Sunday worship service, we follow a set liturgy/order of worship, in keeping with Scripture and as found throughout Church History. We sing Psalms and Hymns, partake of the Lord's supper, and preach expositionally. Pastor Thomas is currently preaching through the book of Acts.
11:15AM Fellowship and Refreshments
Join us in between Sunday worship services for coffee, refreshments, and fellowship. We look forward to getting to know you!
11:45AM Sunday Worship Service
During our second Sunday worship service, we follow a set liturgy/order of worship, in keeping with Scripture and as found throughout Church History. We sing Psalms and Hymns, and Pastor Thomas is currently teaching through the Heidelberg Catechism. (We do not have an 11:45AM service on the 1st Sunday of each Month, instead we gather for a meal after our 10AM service)
Sample Bulletin
Here's a sample of our Sunday Bulletin. This will give you an idea of our Order of Service, Catechism, Scripture Reading, and Children's Sermon Aid.

Mid-week Activities
We meet for Bible studies, book studies, children's teaching, and meals together. Visit out Facebook Page or Contact Us to learn more about times and locations of our mid-week studies and events.